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Showing posts from July, 2014

Ava's Birth Day

I have a very special baby girl, who we struggled to conceive, who shouldn't have existed due to the medicine I was taking, who made it through a high-risk pregnancy and defied the odds, and who almost didn't survive delivery. This is the story of her birth day! We really hoped Ava would show up on her due date, the 4th of July. Of course, we had no control over it, so we continued about our last few days as if nothing was different. I made 2 pecan pie cheesecakes for a BBQ on Saturday. We made some food for the 4th, and chose to just hang out at home all day. We went for a walk with Duke, about 2.5 miles. We went to see fireworks on post with a comfy view in our car. The joke was always that if Ava hadn't arrived yet, that the fireworks would scare her out! (And they did!) We went to bed that night, and I played on my phone for a bit. And I felt a mild contraction. I didn't really think much of it because I had contractions through the nigh...

40 Weeks

I'm writing up this post early, not knowing if I will even be able to publish it on Friday or not. So I think I will update this post a day at a time, and we'll just see how far it goes! (Actually, I work on all my posts throughout the week, or else pregnancy brain would cause me to forget all the new things that happened!) I'm not sure if I will be posting too often after Ava's birth. One, because I will obviously be busy/tired/exhausted/unavailable. And two, because I don't know how I feel about plastering photos of her on the internet where anybody  can access my posts. I get a ton  of spam comments (fortunately Blogger is able to block them from ever being posted) and a lot of random spikes in traffic on my site and traffic trends that make me think weird things are going on. I want to keep it a public blog, so I'm thinking that I may not post too much more about my private life on here. I wanted to have my fertility and pregnancy stories on here to...