Week 34: Ava has a few new interests and abilities: She likes to play hide and seek! We call it peek-a-boo. We run around the house and I try and hide around the corner from her and then I pop out and say "peek-a-boo"! She loves it and asks for more every time I stop! She's learning new body parts! She's understanding "arm" and "leg" more, and her new favorite is "neck"! She has also become interested in the creases of the inner arm (elbow pit??) and my arm pits! She likes to play with my hair (I think we may have moved passed pulling it...for the most part) and I've caught her playing with her own hair a few times! I can tell she's putting short sentences together because she looks at me with such meaning and intent when she talks. The trouble is, is that we don't always understand what she is saying! She's getting good at undressing herself! She giggles the whole time while I promt her to take off each...