I'm trying to do better at drinking more water. I've found that I drink more water (without consciously thinking about it) if I drink out of a straw or straw-type water bottle as opposed to out of a glass or open container. Not sure why, I just do. I really don't like to reuse a water bottle more than a few times before I was it. Just doesn't seem clean to me. So I swish some hot, soapy water around and run some through the straw and wipe around the mouthpiece. Then the other day I was looking closely at my Camelbak water bottle, and this is what I saw: You see that?! Besides sparkly lip gloss smudged on the outside of the mouthpiece, there was "stuff" on the inside, too! I started yanking on pieces so that I could thoroughly clean the mouthpiece area. I never realized the mouthpiece came off; this could explain why it was accumulating/growing gunk. So, fully disassemble your water bottle. Besides using ...