This is childhood-memories, warm-your-soul, polar-vortex kind of food, people! Start with a cut up whole chicken. Or just some bone-in cuts of chicken. Put it into a big pot. Like, the biggest pot you have. This time I am trying it with my pasta pot that has a strainer pot that nests inside of it. I thought that would be helpful to get the chicken and veggies out later. Fill up the pot with water to just at the top of the chicken, or just under the top of the pot, whichever comes first. If you have room, add some chunks of onion, celery, and carrots. I did not have room, so I'm going to add those after I take the cooked chicken out. One good thing about not putting the veggies in yet is that you will end up with plain, poached chicken that could be used for other recipes. Bring the chicken to a boil and then reduce to a simmer and cook for as long as you can, but at least 45 minutes to an hour or un...