I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it is that I want this blog to be. I feel as though I am getting closer. Ultimately, this will be a tool to keep in contact with family and friends after we PCS (Permanent Change of Station) to Ft. Campbell, KY. Not that facebook can't serve the same purpose, although a blog leans more towards storytelling as opposed to plastering a sentence or two that your 600 friends, acquaintances, and coworkers will see. And maybe, just maybe, if I can REALLY get the hang of things, I can blog tutorials of my favorite projects or recipes or discoveries in my Army life.
Currently I seem to be in a perpetual pit of quicksand. Any quick movements or attempts to get myself out of this mess just get me more overwhelmed. So I am coasting instead. Everything is out of my control right now, so there's no need to fight it. Sure, I may not know when I am moving, or how much notice I'll get when it's time to pack up, or even when I'll even get to talk to my husband the 2 months prior to this PCS. I don't know how long I will stay at my current job, or what kind of a job I can find once we get to Campbell. I don't know where we are going to live or how we even start that process since there is a 6 - 8 month wait list to live on post. There are a great amount of things that are out of my control at this point. But the one constant is that I have God by my side, and of all the times in my life to cast all my worries upon Him, this would be it! It's hard to see the big picture right now, but I know that there are
great things ahead for myself, for my husband, and for us.
"The two most important days of your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why." -Mark Twain
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