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23 Weeks

Hey, I'm actually posting this on time this week! 

Maybe it's because I've been awake since 5 this morning. 

For no good reason. 

(But I did wake up thinking about a big, juicy cheeseburger. And a cup of coffee.)

And what a looooong week it's been!

We got a sleet storm of about 4 inches of accumulation followed by another inch or two of snow on Sunday night. The sleet froze into ice, basically paralyzingly the area. 

I don't think the streets had been pretreated, although I saw trucks putting down liquid de-icer about a week before the sleet came through. 

And because this area is not accustomed or prepared for such weather, everything shut down. 

All of post was shut down- not even Burger King was open. 

And even the mall closed. It takes a lot for the whole mall to close. 

And I don't know what else because I didn't leave the house until last night. 

I heard there were lots and lots of accidents. Not a whole lot of 4-wheel drive vehicles or experienced snow/ice drivers around here. 

There was so much drama on Ft. Campbell Facebook pages...folks who are from around here and to the south were in a state of panic and were begging for snow days; those from the north were basically saying "get over it". 

Facebook can be SO dramatic sometimes!

So I didn't feel it was worth it to leave the house just due to cabin fever. I'd rather have my car and my body in one piece. 

We ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse last night to celebrate Chris' birthday: the big 2-7! The roads were pretty clear, but Clarksville schools were closed again today due to unplowed parking lots and side streets. 

Those kids haven't been to school for a whole week now!

It felt nice to get out of the house! Duke and I had taken a walk in the slush earlier in the day, so that helped us both. Check out what a fun time Duke had in the snow in my post from yesterday. He's quite a character!

This week I have started to accept the fact that smaller portions of food is going to have to be the new normal for me. Not by choice, but out of necessity. I am really going to have to adjust from the 3 meals a day to 5 or 6 smaller ones. Ava is taking up more and more room each week! The other day I over ate at breakfast. 

Breakfast. How does that happen?!

And I was uncomfortable for a few hours. My skin in my belly was so stretched! Gah. So many adjustments! And these things come on so gradually until one day I realize I just can't do something anymore!

Ava continues to be transverse...I think. This week she seemed to switch over to my right side. I couldn't find her head in the usual just-to-the-left-of-my-belly-button spot. I have been feeling her kicks and jabs in different spots, too. Sometimes I will ask her, "what are you doing in there?" or "where are you, Ava?" I need to try and take a front view picture in addition to side pictures to try and show how "centrally located" she roundness in my belly is very narrow...I don't really know how else to explain it! You can kind of see it in my picture from this week:

Chris was taking continuous photos without me knowing, but I think it helped to capture my "front belly". I wish I had a better way to describe it!!
I think I look rounder from this side. 
It also makes a difference what clothes I'm wearing. As adorable as those weekly photo shoots are from Pinterest in which the mommy-to-be wears the same shirt and stand in the same position in the same room, I knew I could never commit to that. So, it's a little harder to make my week-to-week belly comparisons.

STILL no progress in the nursery...I am getting frustrated with these people who post things on the Ft. Campbell yard sale website.

1. We contact them with interest in their item.
2. They ignore our attempt to contact them.
3. We hear nothing for a few days.
4. I check back on the website.
5. Item is listed as SOLD.


So rude.

And this has happened to us multiple times now.

And I'm pretty sure we were the first to inquire about the last item we were interested in.

We are checking out one last posting from an antique-type place hopefully today.

If that doesn't pan out, well, I give up.

I would love it if there was an Ikea nearby.

Or a Nebraska Furniture Mart. 

Or heck even an Ashley store. Of course, they have just started building one here in Clarksville; it just won't be open in time.

Shipping charges on furniture are just outrageous.

And I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.

All in good time, I guess!


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