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The Must-Have Hair Product: Aquage Uplifting Foam

I have been on the hunt for this supposed liquid (well, foam) magic for awhile now - Aquage Uplifting Foam. I must give credit where credit is due - I first heard of this exclusive hair product from The Small Things Blog. Kate has a phenomenal blog full of informative videos showing how to style hair, not to mention her cute outfits she blogs about, too! Please, please be sure to spend some time on her blog - it has been so helpful for me; I'm sure you will all love it, too!

Anyway, I had to look up online where to find it locally because it is not sold in all salons. I went to Aquage's website to look up where I could find it here.

I was so excited to try it! I started by towel drying my just washed hair, and making little parts all over my head and spraying the Aquage in it. Then I rubbed it in a little, and then blow dried my hair. For a detailed video, check out Kate's video here. This video is how I learned to do it! :)

After my hair was dry, I could already tell there was a ton of volume in my hair! I decided to do loose waves in my hair; I wanted to take advantage of the added texture. By the time I did the hair around my part, I could really see the volume at my roots! I was so excited and shocked I took a picture!

Don't mind the incomplete curling of the hair.
Now that is some lift! I have tried root lifting sprays in the past, and it's true - none compared at all! I have never been able to achieve that volume because my hair gets weighed down by its own thickness and length.

A second curl! Lookit that height!!

A little out of focus...sorry!
Look at those Tennessee waves, haha! I have never gotten volume like that. And this is just from the Aquage - no teasing, no hairspray. I normally part my hair on the other side, so I think next time I curl my hair, I will part it on the opposite side. That way, when I flip it back to the other side, I will get that insane volume like in the photo above. I opted to pin my bangs back this time, since this was my first time using the Aquage. Here's a close up of how I pinned my bangs:

It's kind of like the start of a braid - and then I just pinned it.

It is really, really hard to take a good looking photo of yourself in the mirror to capture a hairstyle. This was like the 20th photo, not even kidding.

Everyone needs to own this stuff; I spent $19 on this bottle, and needless to say, it was worth every penny.


  1. Where did you buy this at?
    I've been looking, but I'm afraid of 'fakes', so I haven't purchased it yet.

  2. Kathryn, I had to go to (the link is in my post above) to look up where I could find it. It was available at only a few salons in my area - it's a pretty exclusive product!

  3. Hey Katie! I have been wanting to try this but I'm a little concerned that it will be too heavy for my hair. My hair is very fine and prone to oiliness so I can't use too many products because of this. Did you notice this being very thick or heavy once applied? Does that even make sense?? Ha

    1. Nichole, the first time I used it I think I put a bit too much in my hair. It does make your hair feel a bit gunky, kind of like hairsprayed hair that's been brushed out. It wasn't oily - it was a matte finish. I was okay with the gunky feeling because before I even curled my hair, I could already see the volume in my roots, which was what I was after! I have medium thick hair, and it works well for my hairtype. If you use it, you may just want to apply less or make your hair sections wider as you apply it. Hope this answers your question!

  4. Im a hairdresser and carry this in my salon! Its one of my biggest sellers!!
    Another thing you can do with it is put it on DRY!
    So instead of spraying it directly into your hair; you spray it in a mound on a towel. Then take your comb and cut into it a little at a time and comb on your roots where you want your volume. Take your blowdry and brush and reblowdry! Viola! More volume!!! Love it!!!!

    1. What a great tip! I am always looking for ways to style second-day hair, so this is something I am going to have to try! Thanks so much for the comment!!

  5. Your hair looks great, thanks for mentioning my blog! :)

    1. Thank you! I tell everyone about your blog, haha! I love it!


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