I've been itching to work in our yard since the day we moved in almost 9 months ago.
Not a SINGLE plant existed in the whole yard.
Just a bare yard:
And then we began our gardening project!
It took us about 6 weeks total, mainly because our work schedules didn't align very often, and when they did, we only worked on it for a few hours and only 1 trip to Home Depot each time.
So we really could have knocked it out in a weekend or two if we really wanted to.
And it snowed once after we got started (the only snow we got this winter), and we had a few rainy days that set us back, too.
We started the outline of the flower bed.
We were limited to a 3 foot depth due to the existing termite traps ...what are those called?
We thought it would look nice to have a little focal point at the end:
At this point we had already hauled one tarp-full of dirt/clay and dumped it in the back yard. It was incredibly heavy.
First and second layer of stones down:
...and we had to dig all of that out and haul it to the backyard, too.
I was not looking forward to it.
Third and final layer of stones put in:
The neighborhood kids were drawn to our activity.
We offered them dirt and rocks and we had a quick biology lesson including worms and rolly pollies!
Filling it in with "good" dirt:
All 36 bags of it:
Some plants are in!
We chose Japanese Holly bushes.
I like the dark green foliage.
NO berries!
We spent awhile trying to figure out what plant to feature here; I went back and forth between a local nursery and Home Depot trying to find the perfect one.
I settled on a White Azalea.
A little spot for my birdbath:
I love this little birdbath. Except one of the birdies broke off, so it's just sitting there.
All finished!
The front of the house looks SO much better!
I really wanted some hostas, but the front of the house faces almost due east, so that was not going to be a possibility since they are a shade plant.
So I settled for planting a little one in a pot in the shade.
We took a break and walked to the backyard.
We saw a kitty in the window begging us to let him come out (with the sidewalk that leads to nowhere, haha!).
I think our next project will be fixing the backyard.
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