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My Review of a Dry Shampoo (and a hairspray, too)

I have been trying really hard not to wash my hair everyday. I have heard this is what is best for your hair so that the natural oils are not stripped from the hair shaft on a daily basis. I have come across some information that says only to wash your hair 2-3 times a week. That seems a little...out me, but the natural oil helps keep your hair soft and healthy.

So...then what do you do between washes?

Put your hair in a ponytail?

Try using just conditioner in the shower?

Put on a hat??

I have tried a couple of dry shampoos, and I have not been impressed. The idea is genius, of course, but they turn my hair white and leave a funny texture in my hair after applying and combing it through my hair.

I went to Beauty Brands and asked one of the ladies what she recommended for a dry shampoo that would not turn my hair white, and she handed me this:

AG's FastFWD dry shampoo. 
I use the AG brand for my regular shampoo and conditioner as well.
I said "I'll take it."

(Pearl is waiting for a drink in the sink.)

Here is a documentation of my experience trying this new product.

So here is a lovely image of my dirty hair. I didn't wash it for about 48 hours.

I sprayed the dry shampoo into my hair, and my first reaction was WHAT THE CRAP?!


I thought it was not supposed to turn my hair white...but after the first and second sprays, it was clear, so I'm not sure if I didn't shake it good enough or what. (Later I sprayed my hair all over to see what was up with the color, and the first couple seconds were always white, then it sprayed clear. So I'm not really sure what that was all about.)

But don't panic. It gets better!
Let the dry shampoo sit in your hair for a bit (30 seconds is plenty) and then run a comb through it. 

A lot.

In all different directions.

It resulted in a lot of volume!
And the white was gone!

This is what my hair looked like after combing the dry shampoo through and re-parting it:

And this is my hair after shampooing my hair in the shower and blow drying it shortly thereafter:

I put them all together for an easier comparison:

The crappy bathroom lighting combined with the fact I was taking my own pictures resulted in different hair colors in my pictures. It's still me, I promise!

So as far as actually making the hair look cleaner, the dry shampoo did its job. It absorbed the oil and mattified my hair. I still had to comb quite a lot to get that darn white to go away. But it did! Other brands I have tried have left a white residue in my hair that I could never fully get out.

As far as how my hair felt, I was really impressed! It added a TON of volume to my hair, something that is pretty hard to do with hair that has been styled, slept on, and possibly styled and slept on again. You could easily get away with running some of this dry shampoo through your hair and styling it down instead of pulling it back into a ponytail, which is what I usually end up doing. My hair was so soft, and I could not even tell there was any product in it at all. Flowy and ready to go!

I would definitely recommend giving AG FastFWD dry shampoo a try.

Now, onto my new favorite hairspray.

Again, I asked the gal at Beauty Brands which hairspray she would recommend. I told her that I need a medium to firm hold, but it has to smell good. My last hairspray make me half-sick each time I used it. I started holding my breath whenever I sprayed it. She led me to this gem:

Bed Head Masterpiece Hairspray.

(Zorro is eyeballing the spray nozzle. He gets concerned with what comes out of all my containers in the bathroom. He hates the way everything smells. Especially toothpaste.)

I used this hairspray on this hairstyle:

I was prepared to use a lot of hairspray on the side to keep my bangs back, but WOW! This hairspray is powerful - both the force at which the hairspray comes out of the nozzle, and the strength of the hold! The force of the spray was literally blowing my hair out of the position that I had placed it in. I've never had a hairspray do that before, so I just did little tiny spurts of spray (does that make any sense?!) where I needed it. 

And you don't need to overdo it - this hairspray can hold extremely well!

Plus, you will smell like a piña colada all day! It's delicious.

It's a FABULOUS product! I am in love!

My hair is all done!

Off to work in my lovely maurices dress!
Always great finds there.

After I got home from work and took my hairpins out, the hairspray was STILL holding! My bangs didn't move a centimeter all night!

All in all, I would recommend trying both of these products. You will probably love them just as much as I do!


  1. Awesome reviews! I'm going to try and find both of those- I've also tried a bunch of dry shampoos and not liked any of them.

    Cute dress by the way! Where are you working now?

  2. Thank you!

    I'm an Assistant Manager at maurices! :)


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