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These Keys

I took another major life step about 2 weeks ago. 

I put in my notice at my job.

I have never been the type of person to just quit or "get tired" of working somewhere. I don't interview at jobs that I'm not serious about, nor do I just take a job just because it's a job. I am committed, I don't like letting people down, and I always put my all in whatever I do.

So this was kind of a big deal for me.

In college, I quit working because my mom grew very sick and I went home just about every weekend.

I quit working at the preschool that I adored because the Army was taking us away.

And now, I have worked my last day at maurices because I am going to have a baby.

A baby!

It is so hard for me to turn in these keys.

Turning in these keys, to me, represents BIG life changes ahead. Each time I have quit a job and turned in keys has been the first step towards something drastic and life changing.

My last day at work was yesterday.

I handed them over with feelings of sadness.



Such a confusing bundle of emotions all wrapped up together.

I didn't want to go. I almost felt like my work wasn't done.

But for the sake of my baby and a healthy pregnancy, it was the right decision. 

Turning in these keys meant no more days of dressing mannequins, no more set changes, no more fun customers, no more amazing coworkers, no more manager meetings, no more dance parties on slow days, no more bonding with special customers, no more trying on fun new clothes, no more store goals to hit...

No more seeing my friends (almost) everyday.

I felt kind of like a wimp, for a lack of a better term, for not being able to stay on the job throughout my pregnancy. I tried to imagine every scenario that could keep me on the team.

But I didn't realize until my belly had really begun to grow that every lift, every reach, everything I was used to doing was already harder for me. We do so much movement of product and wall hardware and boxes and tables and mannequin stands and racks and up and down ladders. I got winded much easier. I started to realize that it may not be a good idea for me to continue in this way at this pace. I am classified as high risk, and even though my doctor had no concerns up to this point, I was starting to realize that this much time on my feet for hours a day doing these tasks was not what was best for me.

On days I was scheduled to work, I would only be able to go to work. That was all the energy I had. If I worked in the morning, I would spend the rest of the day on the couch. Maybe I'd have some leftover energy to make a stop at the grocery store on the way home. If I worked in the afternoon, I knew I'd better not do too much in the morning or else I'd have a hard time making it through my shift later.

Chris and I talked about me working while pregnant. The plan was always for me to be a stay-at-home mom. I was mentally prepared to work for awhile longer. But my body was not! I was dragging my feet making my official decision; I did not want to eliminate my paycheck when we have all these things to buy for little miss Ava.

But I also knew that money would never trump my health or my concern for keeping Ava all happy and nestled right where she is.

Oh, these keys.

I tearfully wrote my resignation. I knew it was the right thing to do, it just felt so weird to have to do it sooner than I was hoping.

Maurices was my family. Is my family.

I have knack for picking pretty good places to work. I'm telling you - coworkers make ALL the difference in the world. Consider that a compliment if I have worked with you! :) People who take their job seriously and are committed to the cause of the company make it so much more enjoyable. A strong, fair, and personable management team are a must as well, if I do say so myself. 

I will always love you, maurices.

This is not the last you've seen of me!

Now will you please create a maternity line?!


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