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26 Weeks that right?!

I feel like time is going by very fast!!

I think Ava had a growth spurt this week. I feel like my belly grew a lot in 7 days.

I'm definitely feeling more round - its really a challenge to get off the couch! We are starting to take my car around town for errands since it isn't as low to the ground as Chris'. For the first time, my belly made it difficult for me to get comfortable and fall asleep last night.

Ava's whole body no longer fits in one ultrasound image! I went in yesterday for a growth scan, and while it still has to go to the doctor to read, and then I won't hear the results until my 28 week appointment, I can tell she is growing just fine!

Just look at that profile. :) 

She was opening and closing her mouth and sticking her tongue out. The ultrasound tech said she was probably swallowing the amniotic fluid and letting her body practice what it will do when she is in the outside world. She was very active during this ultrasound and kept the ultrasound tech on her toes to get good images to get her measurements. She has remained in her favorite transverse position. She's a little bit crowded in that position, and she had her legs tucked up, making her look like a little froggie. One of the angles you could clearly see her belly and her knees up on either side of it, and she was squirming and kicking just like a frog. It was so cute to see! The tech said that once she gets really crowded that she would move to a different position. I'm pretty sure I have felt Ava move to different positions - the other day my stomach was very lopsided, and I'm pretty sure it was because she was rolling around and trying to change positions.

She had the hiccups during the ultrasound; the tech located her diaphragm and showed us where it was on the screen (because I sure couldn't tell what I was looking at) and we watched it contract along with her belly every 3 seconds or so. I was trying to focus to see if I could feel it, but I couldn't, although she was also kicking a bit at the same time.

My neighbor and I went to the filming of an episode of Nashville that took place at Ft. Campbell this week. I highly doubt we will make it onto any scenes on the show; between us being on the edge of the crowd and them taking multiple takes of the same scene using multiple camera angles and us leaving to go sit down randomly, I would be very surprised. If we did, it would just be the backs of our heads. 

On the left side of the stage.

The episode airs on May 7, I think.

We got to see the characters Rayna and her daughters, Juliette, Luke, and Deacon do performances. Kelly Pickler performed as well! We've been asked not to give out any plot spoilers, although they asked a bit too late - pictures were all over social media by the time they made their request. We didn't sign anything, so we really didn't know.

Here are a few pics I took from the day:


"Luke" on the left, "Juliette" in the center.

"Rayna" and her daughters and "Deacon". They sang my favorite song from the show. :)

Just a stage shot while filming.

It was VERY cold that morning. Fortunately it was sunny, but we were pretty cold. We went home for lunch and naps (haha) and then went back in the afternoon. It was a much smaller crowd than I was expecting, but I don't think the crew took into consideration the Ft. Campbell schedule. The majority of soldiers were all working (or deployed) and it was spring break, so a lot of moms were at home with the kids. Plus the weather was a definite factor.

Overall it was a fun day! Something I never thought I would get to be a part of, that's for sure! Even though we were volunteers, they gave us a parting gift:

3 volumes of Nashville Soundtracks!

Chris and I went to the gym yesterday - the first time I have been since getting pregnant! I used the elliptical and the treadmill. The elliptical was definitely more comfortable for me than the treadmill; my pelvis continues to be achy. I of course listened to my body and was sure to keep my heart rate under 140. It did feel a little awkward to be going so slow on exercise equipment, but I knew it was just right for me.

Here's another great evening belly photo:

I invited Dukie to be in it.

It's also not the greatest angle, but it sure captures my round belly! I think it also looks a lot bigger because I am wearing a shirt that is NOT maternity. I feel like my belly size looks very different depending on what I wear. 

We are converting an area downstairs in the living/dining room to be an area for Ava. We plan to use the pack and play downstairs and it has a changer on it too. We will have the swing set up downstairs as well. We are down to the last few major items for Ava; I am feeling like it is going to be important to be ready for her a bit early. Who knows what she will decide to do and if she will have enough room to make it all the way to 40 weeks (which I just read that making it to your due date is technically only 38 weeks because the first 2 weeks of pregnancy don't count in baby's development, so then why do they still count weeks that way? confused).

Well, that's about it for this week...I don't think I did anything in her nursery this week. Chris hopes to finish the dresser this weekend, although the humidity in the weather forecast will not help the paint dry, so we shall see how it goes!


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