I haven't done one of these posts in a long time, but this is a good one!
There are a lot of photos in this one.
Duke has only been in snow a few times, and each time he realizes it is more fun than the time before.
This time, we had enough snow (actually it was mostly sleet) to bury his toys with just a tiny bit showing.
He dug up a tennis ball and had a grand ole time with it!
There is a huge mound of snow in the high school parking lot behind the pine tree. Snow like that in this area is practically unheard of, so post was shut down for 2 days and the hubby had 3 days off of work.
"So I found my tennis ball..."
"...and it's all wet!"
"I think I'll get it!"
"It won't stay put!"
"Come back here!"
I called him over.
He was leaping.
This is the start of the "flip book" photos. Scroll down with the down arrow key for maximum effect!
...wait for it...
Then I called him to come in. He doesn't know when he's too cold. It was pretty mild, though - about 40 degrees! It sounded like it was raining because of all the melting off the roof. What a winter it's been! I am ready for spring!
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