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27 Weeks

So wait...I am now 7 months pregnant?!

I have started the THIRD TRIMESTER!!!

Some count week 27 as the start of the last trimester, and some say 28. I don't know which one is correct, so I'm going with 27 weeks.

Ava will be here in 3 months or 13 weeks or 91 days (or less)!!!

I had another first this week!

I felt baby girl's hiccups for the first time! I thought she was tap dancing and had amazing rhythm when I realized (especially since my last ultrasound where I saw her hiccups on the screen) that those were no punches or kicks - those were hiccups! I felt it much deeper in my belly, and they were not nearly as localized as a kick or jab. It was almost like a pulsing that happened every few seconds. Crazy! Chris was able to feel them too a few days later. Her torso must have been closer to the side of the uterus.  It felt like a little heartbeat, almost - it's kinda hard to describe! I've felt them almost every day this week! In fact, she has them right now as I am typing this. :) Growing a baby is both the most beautiful thing ever, and also a little bit wild when you think about all that is happening!

I am so happy and grateful to be here.

Ava is such a blessing already!

4 ladies (including me) on my little c-shaped street are due this summer. Babies will literally be popping out left and right! So Ava will have lots of friends her age. 

I caught this RARE image a few days ago...
All 3 of our animals.

VOLUNTARILY in the same room.

In the same corner of that room.

The cats are relaxed as can be and Duke is resting nicely on his bed.

It's only taken almost a year for this to happen!

It was a big day in our household! 

I guess I should have removed most of our living room furniture a long time ago to allow for this "play space" to exist.

We finally got the new furniture and sold the old set! I am so happy we went with a reclining couch and loveseat instead of a sectional. The reclining feature couldn't have come at a better time for me and miss Ava - I am much more comfortable, and it's nice to be able to put my feet up at the end of the day!

We had some severe thunderstorms roll through the other night. Lots of loud thunder and bright lightening. So it was hard to fall asleep. 

Also, Duke was howling in his sleep. 

And Ava was attempting to kick her way out of my uterus. 

So I did not get much sleep that night!

I have been getting the occasional leg cramp at night in bed. I've had them for several weeks now. It's a common symptom, I guess. I am usually able to flex my foot just in time to prevent it from becoming a full-blown Charlie horse. I could also eat a banana everyday to help combat that, but bananas also make you constipated. 

And I don't need any (more) of that. I already have to eat a Fiber One bar and Activia yogurt everyday just to keep things moving. 

But things still aren't moving very fast!

I've read that prenatal vitamins contribute to constipation as well, but there is really nothing that can be done about that!

I hung up some more things on a wall in Ava's room. Her changing dresser will go in front of it:

I plan to put some photos in the frames - I'm thinking maybe of the fur babies? And the little grey frame says "I love you to the moon and back". The pink cross says "For this child I have prayed", and the white frame says "Blessed little bundle of perfection". 

I got almost all of it from Hobby Lobby, the colored frames from Kirklands, and the white frame from Halmark. That white frame was one of the first things I bought when I found out I was pregnant. I've been very excited to find a permanent home for it in her room!

I have my glucose test (yay) and my 28 week appointment next week!

See you then!

I'm getting big!


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