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29 Weeks

It's Friday again! 

I can't really tell you what happened this week, because I can't remember! I feel like I was just writing last week's post!

Well, let's see...

I think I was pretty lazy this week. I watched an MTV marathon the other day.  I also had some uterine pain around my belly button, probably from Ava growing. So I took it easy that morning. 

This little girl (well, she's not actually little...) has become exceptionally friendly lately:

She is our skiddish kitty, and having just turned 4, she seems to really have turned a corner! She spends a lot of time on the corner of the recliner with me. She has even let the neighbor play with her! She has really come out of her shell in the last several months. Related to my pregnancy? Not really sure!

I made jambalaya for the first time (in the crockpot)! It was good. It made so much that I already have our first freezer meal for after Ava arrives! It's not my recipe, but if you want it, it's on my Pinterest board "Crockpot Cooking". So easy!

I am thoroughly disappointed in the selection of maternity clothes and nursing items in this area, Nashville included! I have almost given up finding nursing bras and tanks. There's a few more spots I'm going to check, and after that it will be online ordering. So to all you nursing mommies, give me your favorite brands and what you liked about it most so I know where to start!

No photo updates on her room yet...sorry! For whatever reason, I didn't really spend much time in there this past week. Laundry is where I'm at before I can start putting things away and clearing up the floor. 

My belly button is close to "popping". A few more weeks and I think it will happen! Right now it is even with my stomach. 

It's really hard to buckle my sandals. I think I will be strictly in flip flops pretty soon. 

It's almost impossible for me to get up off the floor while holding a baby. 

I like to eat. "Chipotle" is my trigger word!

I have mastered drinking 64 ounces of water each day. 

My sweet tooth has come back with a vengeance!!! I have to fight it everyday. 

The only pregnancy symptoms I deal with on a regular basis are pelvic pain and lower back pain. (Oh, and flatulence! Ha!) Most of the time it is more noticeable at the end of the day. Or if I've done a lot of bending over, my back will hurt more. It's amazing how much lower back muscles are used! Even a slight bend (like doing dishes in the sink) makes my back ache! Fortunately both pains are minor and are to be expected with my front getting larger and heavier.

Ava has been "acing" her fetal movement counts so far. She does her 10 movements in about 15 minutes. Up to 2 hours is considered normal. 

I feel her little feet and hands a lot.

At least I think that's what I'm feeling. 

Something small makes a tiny bump in my tummy, so I can only assume that's what it is!

Oh, and look! 

Here are Ava's hiccups!

(It will be easier to see if you make the video full-screen by clicking on the weird squarish symbol in the lower right. I had to hold my breath so the hiccups would be easier to see!)

I've never been able to post a video before! This is exciting! The last time I tried it didn't work!!

Next week will be 30 weeks!! AHHHH!!!!


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