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See Ya Later, Kentucky

We have finished eating our freezer meal stash, I'm working dinners around what's left in the pantry, and I've halted trips to SAMs Club.

It's moving time!

Time to start packing up our lives once again to move on to the next adventure!

Fort Campbell was the first duty station Chris and I were at together, and it was a good 3 years.

A great 3 years, actually...

Fort Campbell is where I learned how to live this Army life as a supportive wife, and how to not complain about things that cannot be controlled. I learn more about this duty every day.

This is where I learned more about myself as an individual and had a tremendous amount of personal growth.

This is where I went out on a limb and chose a different career path. As it turned out, I loved it!

This is where I learned that your morning coffee makes you poop. (true story, people!)

This is where I learned how to fold jeans in a nice, neat stack and how to fold shirts faster than I ever thought possible. (the speed-straighten right before closing time)

This is where I learned a whole new set of acronyms NOT related to the Army...SPH, ADS, UPT, and of course, MCC!!!!!!

This is where I fell in love with Amazon Prime.

This is where I fired a weapon for the first M4! And a pistol but that's not nearly as thrilling as an M4. I hit all of my targets, too, the furthest being 300 meters away!

This is where we went to our first hockey game - The Predators!

This is where we've seen Kip Moore, The Fray, Kelly Clarkson, The Band Perry, Randy Houser, Thomas Rhett, Dustin Lynch, Georgia Florida Line, and Luke Bryan in concert! The best part is we saw half of them for free! Living near Nashville definitely has its perks!

This is where I was on-set for filming of an episode of Nashville!

This is where I have deepened my love for hot wings and fried pickles. (Still NOTHING compares to Jefferson's in Lawrence, KS!)

This is where we found and brought home our Dukie boy!

This is where I endured a year's worth of fertility testing. Ultrasounds, X-Rays, MRIs, medication. Waiting. Lots of waiting.

This is where I learned that I have PCOS and a bicornuate uterus.

This is where our dreams came true and I became pregnant and gave birth to our miracle baby!

This is where I learned how to be a momma.

This is where we learned what it is like to love your child more than words can express.

This is where my husband and I stood by each other and took care of each other after our major surgeries. There were some long, sleepless nights.

This is where we were blessed to have a surprise pregnancy! Our second miracle baby is due early next year.

This is where I learned a lot about patience.

About inner strength.

About love.

About trusting in God's timing.

This is where I learned that adventure is fun, but just like Dorothy says, there's no place like home.

This is where I've learned about maintaining long distance relationships with family and friends back home.

This is where I've met some amazing people and made some great friendships!

It's never goodbye in the Army; it's only "see ya later".

I will always remember this place.

Hearing rapid gunfire, feeling earth-shaking booms, and seeing chinooks so close overhead that they rattle the windows and thinking it's all normal.

The train tracks in the backyard.

My first flower bed! (...and the second after the first died)

The horrible traffic with no alternate routes.

The bathrooms where I first saw all of my positive pregnancy tests. Gross to some, but meaningful and permanently ingrained in my brain for me.

Working an overnight shift on Black Friday. While pregnant. And turning Katy Perry's "Roar" up almost as loud at the sound system would go to try and stay awake!!

The people I've met through my job and Chris's job.

The places we've traveled.

Growing closer in our marriage through the good times and the not so good times.

There are memories from this place that will be etched in my mind forever. And it is so bizarre to me that we will just walk away from this place, and probably never come back.

I'll miss the place Chris and I were standing when I told him he was going to be a daddy.

I'll miss the bedroom where I rocked Ava to sleep at night.

The living room where Ava took her first steps.

The yard where we played.

So much life has happened within these white walls while living in this old house on post!

And now we are moving on to even bigger and better things in Georgia!

We have each other.

And we have our babies.

That's all I really need.

"Wherever you go, I will go. Wherever you stay, I will stay." -Ruth 1:16


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