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Liam Turns the Big 5 (months)!

I'm writing this up a little early because you know, moving.


My brain needs to keep moving forward and tackling things on the to-do list, and this post was one I could type up in a flash and cross off the ever-growing list!!

I don't know why 5 months seems so much older to me than 4 months. It's just another 30 days!

I think it's because I know we are so close to some major milestones and I also know how fast the back end of the first year goes...before I know it, Liam will be a tiny toddler chasing Ava around! What a crazy thought!!

Liam has changed leaps and bounds this month. He's got a really strong core now and wants to sit up when I try to recline him in my lap. He can roll to his belly and has been sleeping on his tummy! He likes to swing his arms around and is getting pretty grabby! He's become a big chatterbox and he just loves to giggle and smile! There is so much drool everywhere and he usually has to wear a bib while upright to help soak it all up! He's become used to the constant noise and action Ava adds to the day, so when she is napping, he tends to not be as happy to play because the house is too quiet, haha! Or at least that's what I've concluded. Big sister is great entertainment for him! He loves to snuggle up on your shoulder and suck on his fingers. He's got 2 bottom teeth threatening to bust through soon! Ava was cutting teeth for our last move, so it would be fitting if Liam was cutting his as well!

Ava knows her numbers!! She is incredibly stubborn so she won't ever name them when I ask her to, but she has spontaneously done it and knows quite a few! Makes me so excited!! I wish she would do it more often! So all you anti-screen time people out there, or those worried that screen time is bad, it has now helped my daughter learn her letters, numbers, colors, shapes, animals and their sounds, songs and fingerplays, and so much more! You just need to pick the right apps and shows - they're not all bad!

I wonder how big girl is going to handle this move. It's going to be an adventure for sure! We can't wait to get to our new house! First-time homeowners here; that should be an adventure as well!

You know how much I love to share on here. I think it's a rewarding part of the human experience to be able to share stories with people and feel connected and close even though we are so far away. But there is this little (ok BIG) thing called OPSEC. Maybe you've heard of it, and maybe you haven't. But it is going to restrict me from sharing a bit so I might go a little vague on you for awhile.

Can you tell I just quickly uploaded these from my phone?! Sorry the Dr. Seuss one turned out so hard to read! I thought it was clever. Actually, they all turned out kinda bad. Here; let me type it out so you can read it better:

"I am Sam, Sam I am
Do you like OPSEC and ham?
I do not get it, Sam I am, I do not get OPSEC
and ham. We must use it here and there. We must use
it everywhere.
You can share it in a car. But you cannot in a bar.
You cannot share it in a text. You cannot share it
at the Nex.
You can say it at your house. But should not tell a random
spouse. You can say it in the shower. But do not go sharing
at happy hour. Don't make the ombudsman sweat.
Don't post it to the internet.
You cannot share it in a tweet. That would not be very sweet.
Beware of facebook and myspace too. It's tempting to let your feelings
through. You cannot tell it to a friend. Not even at the very end.
It is a privilege to know a date. Don't tell anyone
or the date might be late!
Oh, I get it, Sam I am. Now I get OPSEC and ham!
I will not tell anyone.
I will keep hushed until they are done! I will not tell him
or her. I will not tell my dog with fur. I will not tell my
child's teacher. I will not tell a creature.

Thank you, thank you, Sam I am.
Thank you for clearing up OPSEC and ham!"

NEX =Navy Exchange...the equivalent to a mini department store on base. PX and BX are other names for it in the other branches.

I had to look this one up as this is written with the Navy in mind:
Ombudsman = "Every Command has an Ombudsman who is a spouse of a sailor at the Command. The Ombudsman serves as the liaison between the command and the families. The Ombudsman is the point of contact for the families. He or she can assist families with navigating through Navy life through resources and information" - sounds like the FRG leader to me!

So if you ask me questions about my husband, I may not be able to answer them very completely or maybe not at all. It's nothing personal, it's just for safety. The world out there is a very scary place, and it seems it's only getting worse. The media is NO help...but don't get me started on that!!

I can't believe my next post will be about Liam starting solid foods!!!!


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