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The Song That Was Written For Me

I heard this song on the radio for the first time several months ago. I was immediately drawn to it, but I hadn't really taken the time to listen to all of the lyrics.
But when I finally did...I was blown away, and now I love it even more. It's my new obsession! The more I listen to it, the deeper meaning it has for me.
My husband and I met in the summer of 2005. It was a very transitional time for both of us, and this song basically summarizes that summer for us.
We met. We took a chance on each other. We took some risks. It felt a little crazy, a little whirlwind-esque, a little wild. At times I thought, what are we doing?! Is this worth it all? Is this going to last? And you can imagine how those feelings multiplied when he told me shortly after we were together that he wanted to join the Army. What would that mean for us while he was away at Basic Training and AIT? And so soon after we met...the questions were flying.
But we knew. We knew we were each others' forevers. We knew it from 2 weeks in. But just for the sake of being rational, we talked and pushed back the Army idea for another 6 months. We attended different Universities during that waiting period. 
And we still knew.
He joined the Army in the spring of 2006, and that fall he went to Basic and AIT. He came home, and we still knew.
Later that next year, he deployed to Iraq.
He came home in the middle of that deployment and we knew even more; he proposed to me!
When he came home, life was completely different for the both of us. We just knew.
We were married the summer of 2009, and since then we've moved all over and gone through so many things together and added 2 precious miracles to our lives. I never could have imagined that this is where life would have taken us! All because of the "what ifs" of the summer of 2005. This song brings tears to my eyes because it brings back all the intense emotions and fireworks of that summer. I can't even put into words how this song reminds me of how I found my soulmate and the one person who has my back, no matter what. Someone who understands me, who gets my weird and is my "person". He makes me feel safe and protected. No matter where we move, he is home for me. It doesn't matter where we go, how far away from home or how unfamiliar the town, it just doesn't matter. Going through this military life makes me value my marriage so much...its a wild ride and we have to cling to each other all that much more.
You say what if I hurt you, what if I leave you
What if I find somebody else and I don't need you
What if this goes south, what if I mess you up
You say what if I break your heart in two then what
Well I hear you girl, I feel you girl but not so fast
Before you make your mind up I gotta ask
What if I was made for you and you were made for me
What if this is it, what if it's meant to be
What if I ain't one of them fools just playin' some game
What if I just pulled you close, what if I leaned in
And the stars line up and it's our last first kiss
What if one of these days baby I'd go and change your name
What if I loved all these what ifs away
What if the sky falls (sky falls) or the sun stops burnin'
We could worry about them what ifs 'til the world stops turnin'
Or I could kiss you (you should kiss me), what if you liked it (bet I'd like it)
Well we ain't never gonna know unless we try it
What if I was made for you and you were made for me
What if this is it, what if it's meant to be
What if I ain't one of them fools just playin' some game
What if I just pulled you close, what if I leaned in
And the stars line up and it's our last first kiss
What if one of these days baby I'd go and change your name
What if I loved all these what ifs away
Awe yeah
You say what if I hurt you, what if I leave you
What if I find somebody else and I don't need you
What if I was made for you and you were made for me
What if this is it, what if it's meant to be
What if I ain't one of them fools just playin' some game
What if I just pulled you close, what if I leaned in
And the stars line up and it's our last first kiss
What if one of these days baby I'd go and change your name
What if I loved all these what ifs away
Away (away)
What if?
Written by Kane Brown, Matthew John Mcginn, Jordan Mark Schmidt • Copyright © Universal Music Publishing Group, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc


  1. This is such a sweet story highlighted by a perfect song!! It made me think about Rascal Flatts song Ellsworth. The woman has Alzheimer’s, but if you eask her about where her love began, it all comes flooding back.

    Your love for your husband and family is so evident! ❤️


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