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I Tried To Quit Plexus

I stopped taking my Plexus supplements.

No more "pink drink", no more probiotic, no more BioCleanse, no more multivitamin, protein powder...nada.


Ok, so maybe that title is a little dramatic.

I didn't try to quit, it just kind of happened!

I slowly ran out of a supplement or two, and life just got busy and I didn't think I'd miss them that much. So I just let them all run out.

I was aware that I should really get some more, but I tried to convince myself that Plexus supplements didn't really make that much difference.

And you know what happened?

I started feeling like crap again.

I felt like I did before I found Plexus - headaches, tiredness, upset stomach and irregular BMs, not sleeping as well, more breakouts, and more irritability. I was starting to wonder what was going on with me when I thought, "when was the last time I drank my Slim? Or took my BioCleanse and Probio5?!" 

And then it was a lightbulb moment for me.

The fact that my body was having such a hard time made me realize just how much my supplements were doing for me! My Plexus supplements were working, and I gave up on them!*

You see, I've been on this journey of seeking increased health and happiness for awhile now. From August 2016 - August 2017, my husband was deployed overseas. To briefly sum up that year, it was a struggle to keep up with my physical and mental health. I went into survival mode, and I've been digging hard to come back out of it. In January of 2018, my husband and I had a talk and he made me realize that I wasn't myself. I knew I needed to make some changes to be better for myself, for my husband, and for my kids.

So I've been eating more clean, setting more goals for myself, focusing more on self-care, working out regularly, finding personal development books to read, basically anything to improve my overall well-being. I've been documenting it along the way mainly on Instagram (for some reason that felt like a safe place to start!), but now I feel like I need to share elsewhere, too.


It's been way too important for my health and happiness!

I was active in my Plexus business for 2 years and then I took a break. I was in that pivotal time where I was learning about myself and deciding what I wanted out of life, for me. Sometimes you just need to take a break, or take a step back to gain some perspective. I spent a lot of time thinking and praying and just wondering.

And I've made the decision to RE-LAUNCH my Plexus business!

I just can't live without my health and happiness company! Health and happiness is literally my exact journey right now, and I realized just how much these supplements do for me! They make me feel so great - which is the most lackluster adjective EVER to explain these products - but I don't think the word exists to describe the feeling!

I keep sharing my journey on Instagram because I have wanted other people to realize the power of putting your health and happiness FIRST! That can feel very challenging when we seem to be pulled in so many different directions in our lives! But you have to make yourself a priority!! At first, it kind of feels selfish, but once you start seeing how much better you feel, you suddenly understand it is SO. WORTH IT!!

Ever heard people say, "you'll never regret spending money on traveling!"?

I feel like the same applies to your health! You'll never regret spending money on your health! Supplementation is preventative healthcare! And when you feel healthy, you feel HAPPY!!

I have made a lot of positive changes over the last few months, and I'm focused on my Plexus supplements, my workouts (more on this later!), my diet (I have SO much to share about this!!), and my mental health (we neeeeeed to talk about this more!). I'm feeling pretty proud of my progress so far! Health and happiness is a journey, not a destination, so I'm even more focused on how I can make these permanent lifestyle changes. Mental health is so so so so important, and I feel like my mind is in a lot better place than it was this time last year. I'm so glad that I jumped up and decided to do something about my own state of mind and my physical well-being!

I'm so excited to continue to share about my health and happiness journey with you all!!

And get ready for my Plexus Re-launch SALE!! You can't have a Grand Re-Opening without a good sale - coming SOON!!

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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