26...is that right?! I feel like time is going by very fast!! I think Ava had a growth spurt this week. I feel like my belly grew a lot in 7 days. I'm definitely feeling more round - its really a challenge to get off the couch! We are starting to take my car around town for errands since it isn't as low to the ground as Chris'. For the first time, my belly made it difficult for me to get comfortable and fall asleep last night. Ava's whole body no longer fits in one ultrasound image! I went in yesterday for a growth scan, and while it still has to go to the doctor to read, and then I won't hear the results until my 28 week appointment, I can tell she is growing just fine! Just look at that profile. :) She was opening and closing her mouth and sticking her tongue out. The ultrasound tech said she was probably swallowing the amniotic fluid and letting her body practice what it will do when she is in the outside world. She was very active d...